Events Details

Auction of teams Under four houses

Time:05:00 AM

Flow of Players Auction

  1. For the Auctions following people are invited

    1. BOD

    2. House Coordinators ( Has to be BOD member)

    3. House Captains ( Male & Female )

    4. Game Leaders

  2. Each House shall comprise of 

    1. 1 House Coordinator

    2. 1 Male House captain

    3. 1 female House captain

    4. House Sponsorer

  3. Lucky Draw shall be done for allotment of House and people

    1. Draw to decide which BOD member from 4 option is allotted to which house

    2. Draw to decide which Male captain from 4 option is allotted to which house

    3. Draw to decide which Female captain from 4 option is allotted to which house

    4. Draw to decide which Sponsor from 4 option is allotted to which house, shall be done after the whole auction process is over.

  4. Houses will be given numbers like 1,2,3,4 and then each Sport auctioning will be given to new house like below 

    1. Badminton Auctioning sequence in order 1,2,3,4

    2. Langdi Auctioning sequence in order 2,3,4,1

    3. Football Auctioning sequence in order 3,4,1,2

    4. Lingorcha Auctioning sequence in order 4,1,2,3

    5. Cricket Auctioning sequence in order 1,2,3,4

    6. Track Running Auctioning sequence in order 2,3,4,1

    7. Kids Track Events Auctioning sequence in order 3,4,1,2

  5. Auction of the players will be done in below order of games categories

    1. Event # 1 Badminton Male Age Yrs 10-15        

    2. Event # 2 Badminton Male Age Yrs 15 to 30        

    3. Event # 3 Badminton Male Age Yrs 30+         

    4. Event # 4 Badminton Female Age Yrs 10-15        

    5. Event # 5 Badminton Female Age Yrs 15 to 30        

    6. Event # 6 Badminton Female Age Yrs 30+         

    7. Event # 7 Cricket Male Age Yrs 12-19        

    8. Event # 8 Cricket Male Age Yrs 19+        

    9. Event # 9 Cricket Female Age Yrs 12-19        

    10. Event # 10 Cricket Female Age Yrs 19+        

    11. Event # 11 Football Male Age Yrs 12-18        

    12. Event # 12 Football Male Age Yrs 18-30        

    13. Event # 13 Football Male Age Yrs 30+        

    14. Event # 14 Lingorcha Male Age Yrs 18-35        

    15. Event # 15 Lingorcha Male Age Yrs 35+        

    16. Event # 16 Lingorcha Female Age Yrs 18-35        

    17. Event # 17 Lingorcha Female Age Yrs 35+        

    18. Event # 18 Langdi Male Age Yrs 10-21        

    19. Event # 19 Langdi Male Age Yrs 21+        

    20. Event # 20 Langdi Female Age Yrs 10-21        

    21. Event # 21 Langdi Female Age Yrs 21+        

    22. Event # 22 Track Running Male Age Yrs 6-10        

    23. Event # 23 Track Running Male Age Yrs 10-15        

    24. Event # 24 Track Running Female Age Yrs 6-10        

    25. Event # 25 Track Running female Age Yrs 10-15        

    26. Event # 26 Kids Track Events Male Age Yrs 4-6        

    27. Event # 27 Kids Track Events Female Age Yrs 5-6        

  6. Each house shall be provided with an entire participant list with the sports selected by them. Empty event wise sheet to fill in their team members 

  7. Auction organisers will have to update against players which house is allotted to them

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